Perhaps you are feeling the new year's fitness fever and plan to join a gym or, workout from home? Well, you are not the only one, a survey conducted by the NPR & Marist Poll 2018, reported 44% of over 1,000 adults, admitted they've made some type of fitness resolution prompted by the new year. That's a good start, however according to 50% of new gym members who join in January, quit by the month of May. So what keeps the other 50% going?
Motivation, level of commitment and disposition could top some of the differences between these groups. Also, underlying health conditions transitional life changes and even demographics can influence someone to complete or quit a new workout routine. For example, someone who just wants to loose weight for an upcoming event,, may feel less motivated if they don't loose the weight fast enough, or, quit the gym once their weight loss is achieved. On the other hand, people who require physical activity to improve mentally, physically and spiritually may feel more motivated to stay on track with their new fitness routines.
What happens when you see the words ‘regular exercise’? Do you...?
Feel guilty because you know you should but ….?
Feel like it does not apply to you, because you are not the sporty kind?
Name an exercise or activity you used to enjoy before your life became so busy
You recall unhappy games lessons at school
Have visions of people who aren’t at all like you?
No matter which quarter of the year, starting a new work out routine, takes planning and commitment. To understand your personal fitness needs and how to reach your goals, focus on the level, frequency, and appropriate type of exercise that work for you.
Start with low level of exercise
Aim for a gradual steady improvement
Become aware of your breathing (practice deep breathing)
Commit to frequency of exercise
Too much exercise is as bad as too little
Build up to exercising on alternate days
Stretch into a new exercise routine that you enjoy, increases your heart rate and encourages deep breathing. To take some of art with a fun, less competitive exercise routine, you can fit into your already busy life.
Add a five minute stretch to your morning routine.
Do a 15 to 20 minute low impact workout while watching your favorite shows
Go for a brisk walk after dinner
Walk to work, school or stores when permitted
Take the stairs or park further
Take a portion of your lunch break to stretch or walk
Recruit a workout partner
Which excuse do you use when it comes to not exercising?
Haven’t got time
Feel too tired
Can’t really be bothered
Feel you’re too old
Haven’t got anything to wear
Have a bad back
Think it’s boring
Everything hurts
Think you’ll start when you’ve lost some weight
Working out and living a healthier lifestyle its a choice, and there is no real excuse for not improving your fitness. Even if you dislike or have never worked out, you can learn to exercise. Regular exercise can help reduce inflammation, manage stress, improve flexibility and strength. Here are some more benefits to jumping on the fitness train:
Help your body and organs work as they were design to keep you healthy
Activate lymphatic detoxification through sweat
Take your mind off things
Release tension
Feel better about yourself
Sleep more soundly
Clear your mind and relax
Feel more energetic
Burn excess fat
Keep blood glucose levels balanced
Improve cardiovascular resistance
Working out frequently (experts recommend at least 30 minutes 3 times per week), can also, trigger “feel good hormones, improve metabolism and rid body of toxins, among other benefits. Try it. It can change your life for the better.
Please consult with a trusted medical provider before starting any new physical training.